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Lyft Driver Pay - LyftLine

Lyft Line Driver Pay

Lyft Line allows passengers going along the same route to share a Lyft ride — a big step forward in our mission to advance transportation options. As a driver, you'll enjoy longer rides and less time between rides, and the chance to earn more.

How is driver pay calculated for Lyft Line?

Lyft Line pay is calculated by distance, time, pickup fee, and Prime Time (if applicable) for each Line route. You're always paid the base fare plus the time and distance of the entire route, which means your earnings aren't affected by Lyft Line's passenger pricing or if the first rider doesn't get matched with another rider.
Curious about your Lyft Line pay? Check the driver rates for Line rides in the Driver Dashboard under the 'Payment Information' tab. Then, look for your city's 'Commission breakdown.' 
Here's an example of what a Lyft Line ride may look like, followed by the earnings calculation for this particular Lyft Line:
Lyft Line route example
Example Lyft Line:
Base charge$3
Time (20 min at $0.25/min)$5
Distance (6 miles at $2/mi)$12
Ride subtotal$20
Lyft fee (20%-25%)*-$4
Laura's tip$2
Paul's tip$0
Your earnings$18
*The Lyft Fee in New York City is 31.4 - 36.4%.

What if my passenger's destination is farther than initially expected?

We want to make sure you're paid for any small changes, such as a pin drop that's off by a couple blocks, or a passenger destination that's slightly different than the one in the app. On rare occasions, we may adjust your payout if the trip length is significantly longer than our estimate. Some examples that could cause such discrepancies, and that you should try to avoid, include:
  • Taking a very inefficient route — GPS is especially helpful for Line rides.
  • Dropping off a passenger at a location that's much farther than the one they entered in the app.
If a passenger lets you know that they are traveling to a different location than the one they entered, or that they are making multiple stops, we suggest asking them to cancel the ride. Let them know that they either need to request another Line with the correct pickup and drop-off points, or a regular Lyft for multiple stops.

How do passenger cancellations work?

If the first passenger cancels and fits the criteria or you mark them as a no-show, you will receive the standard cancellation fee.
Since we use the actual time spent and distance covered to compensate you, a cancellation on the part of the second passenger is automatically factored into your earnings for the ride in the form of the time and distance spent driving to their pickup location.
For example, you may go a mile or so out of the way to get your second passenger and spend an extra five minutes. This amount of time and distance will be factored into the total pay you receive, whether they are picked up or not. 


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